Both shows support pet outreach.
Service focus: fulltime days and evenings, some overnights
Walter is our PM shift primary care provider.
Since 2018, Walter has been certified as a Pet Care Provider
for dogs and has a growing love and talent for kitty care. He is fully versed in large dog leash safety and various walk techniques.
Litter lockers no longer confound him and he has mastered cat wands and other feline engagement techniques.
Recent upgrades mean he can administer pen-injected insulin and oral pet meds too. Walter continues to aspire to further care certifications at ALPC.
Behind the scenes, Walter is our tech-driven customer service expert responsible for new client intake - people love him on the phone - talk or text!
He is quite the character!
And - he lovingly handles print/web designs, social media & wordsmithing.
Also from Northern Ontario, he has a lifetime of pet experiences drawn from his hours filled with family pups, hamsters and guinea pigs. Walter's wildlife experiences involved squirrels, chipmunks, a colourful parade of wild birds and the occasional rescued robin.
Service focus: PM after 4:00pm, overnight specialist, some early mornings.
Sydney has a great history of animal care experiences.
Starting with a family puppy training business in 2010 as a youth, working as a farm hand at Shannondoe Farm for 60+ horses and then a care provider for a well known London firm, Syd is an uber-experienced animal lover.
She considers her dog Rufus (pictured) whom
she raised from a pup as her living resume.
Sydney excels as a weatherproof care provider with a loving focus. Her enthusiasm and attentiveness shine through when walking or playing with your pet, medicating as directed or lavishing affection on them.
Syd's reporting is fun and thorough.
You will enjoy a trip through her diverse array of creatures in her photo gallery!
Service focus: fulltime days until 3:00pm, overnights
Janet has been an animal lover all her life.
She has always had pets and has enjoyed pet sitting for my family and friends.
Formerly a PSW for 20 years, Janet is high level police-checked making her a trusted citizen. This experience in home care ensures a comfort and trust for entering your home and providing attentive care to your pets.
People caregivers make the best pet caregivers!
Service focus: mornings until 9:30AM'ish, weekdays after 5:30PM,
Saturday after 4PM, Sundays
Katie is a human care specialist by daytime trade as an RMT
soothing people's aches and pains. but
Finbar her labradoodle is her personal favourite!
Katie is terrific at digesting and delivering complex care instructions and has a practical loving approach to care. As an RMT, Katie is police-checked in depth making her a certified trusted citizen. Treating people's
most private physical bodily issues makes her an attuned caregiver who notices important details or changes for any pet.
Katie's professional background makes her a valued team member!
Service focus: daytime until 2pm'ish, Fridays until 12PM,
some overnights.
Kimberly is the driving force and supervisor
of our team that cares for your non-meowing and
non-barking pet family members.
Kim and her human family handle their own mixed herd of unique pets on a daily basis and are constantly learning. Non-traditional pets such as birds, bunnies and reptiles require expert knowledge for success.
Her home has hosted a number of domestic birds thru the years and even Giant Flemish Bunnies! She has recently expanded into ducks, chickens and geese.
Her zoo of devotion also includes
Myla the Labrador, Agatha the English Bulldog and a 2024 German Shepard rescue - Rupert.
Kim is our expert creature resource!
Service focus: varies by creature
Sometimes - things get damn busy!
Every business has a limit to the amount of services they can deliver effectively at any given time. For instance, we get all sorts of inquiries for
mid day services at lunch time. We have been fully booked at
that time of day for many months.
Sometimes, your regular family pet sitter cancels or gets sick and you need last minute help. Maybe you have a funeral and need emergency service during the holidays when bookings are already crazy.
We maintain friendly relationships with as many care providers as possible in the area. When we get overbooked, we will do our best to forward you to a reputable pet care person or company.
Count on us to get you covered!
Snow! Our Malamute home rescue pup
Snow came to us in August 2023 as a senior rescue form Happy's Retirement Rescue at the age of nine.
Our happy and healthy pup keeps our work / life balance intact with his delightful play yowls of contentment and sometimes pouts of discontent.
All work and no daily play makes jack a dull boy!
Romping about the neighbourhood or local dog parks, Snow keeps us engaged with the St.Thomas community daily. His pouts sometime extend to hunger strikes when holiday turkey or stews are made but luckily he can be pacified with apples or bananas most times.
We love him!
Since 2019, our Creature Team has specialized in animals who squak, hiss and squeak, fly, scuttle and bounce!
Together, Kim and Ben understand
the special needs of your "creature" pets which can behave in unexpected and wonderful ways. They deliver care that respects each individual
creature's nature: a bird or a bunny ain't a dog and a lizard ain't a cat!
Unique and exotic animals need
to be gently approached and thoughtfully handled. These are not your regular pets and have a language all their own. Our team has hands on expert knowledge for feeding/diet, mannerisms and other sensitivities. Most of all, our team will always treat your animal friend as if they were their own.
Ben is a fully hands-on qualified zoo keeper!
He shares in the daily responsibility of caring for the herd of animals in his and Kimberly's home with the rest of the family. Ben's favourites are add-ons to the previous zoo list - Charlotte the Cat and last but not least - Allen the Bearded Dragon! Ben is gaining valuable job and social
experience with Animal Lovers PC while enjoying his love of creatures. Always paired with Kim right now, he is aspiring to further contributions
to the overall team.
Ben is an enthusiastic, responsible animal lover working towards being a
certified care provider for all types of beasts.
Objects in mirror are closer than they appear !
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